How To Find Job As A Fresher

In India, it might be difficult for a new graduate to find work. The Indian job market is extremely competitive, thus it pays to have relevant work experience. However, there are steps you may do to improve your employability as a new graduate. In this article, we'll go over several strategies you may use to improve your chances of landing a job as a recent graduate in India.

1. Make a great Resume

Writing a CV that catches the attention of potential employers is the first step in the job search process. Even if you're just starting out in your career and don't have a tonne of job experience to boast about, you should nonetheless highlight your internships, courses, and projects. You should have a CV that is neat, well-organized, and error-free if you want to get an interview. Focus your CV on the abilities and experiences that are directly applicable to the job you are applying for.



2. Use Online Employment Resource Sites

For people looking for work, the internet can be a game-changer. Naukri, Indeed, Monster, and Times Jobs are just a few of the many job search websites that might lead you to relevant job openings. You can use these sites to post your CV and apply for jobs online. Depending on your qualifications and experience, some online resources might even provide you with specific career suggestions. Sign up for these services and maintain an active profile.

3. Go to Career Fairs

Attending a job fair is a fantastic method to network with hiring managers and find out about available positions. Recruiting events are frequented by numerous businesses in order to meet and interview potential employees. Exposure to the most recent developments and openings in one's field can be gained by attending relevant job fairs. If you want to create a good impression on potential employers, you should get ready in advance by making a list of questions you want to ask.



4. Network

When looking for a new career, networking is crucial. Find out about job openings and acquire recommendations from people you already know in your field of study or employment interest via networking with family, friends, and former classmates. Network with other experts in your field by going to conferences and other industry events. LinkedIn is also an excellent social media site for meeting new people. Join LinkedIn and start making professional connections. In order to get your name out there, you should join organizations and take part in debates.

5. Submit Your Application to New Businesses

It's common practice for new businesses to actively seek out ambitious and skilled workers. They provide an excellent educational opportunity and can aid in your professional development. There is more leeway for employees to choose their own schedules and take on greater responsibilities in a startup setting. To find startup employment openings, you can either use a job search website or your own network.

6. Think About Doing an Internship

Internships are a fantastic opportunity to develop your professional abilities and obtain relevant work experience. Internships are a great way for new graduates to get their foot in the door at a company and begin building their career. Successful completion of an internship may result in a permanent position offer. Seek out internship opportunities on employment boards and through your university's internship placement office. Our organization OSK Consultant offers a comprehensive Digital marketing training in Nagpur, internship program designed to provide students and recent graduates with the opportunity to gain practical work experience in their field of study.



7.  Do Your Best in Interviews by Preparing Ahead of Time

Getting interview requests means you need to get ready. Conduct thorough research on the firm and the position you are applying for. Prepare by practicing answers to typical interview questions and thinking of your own to ask the panel. Be on time and presentable. Send a thank-you note to the interviewer after the conversation is over.

8. Don't Give Up!

When you're a newcomer to the job market in India, it can be difficult to find work. Not all employers will respond to your application. However, one must be diligent in seeking employment. Maintain a positive mindset, keep building your network, and prepare thoroughly for interviews. Don't be reluctant to make adjustments based on comments and suggestions.

9. Don't Close the Door on New Experiences

You may have some ideas about where you want to work or what company you want to join as a new graduate. In any case, one must keep their options open. Rather than limiting yourself to your first choice of employers, don't rule out other options. It's possible that working for a different company or in a different field will turn out to be more enjoyable than you expected, not to mention the useful skills and experience you'll pick up along the way. Keep in mind that this first job is simply the beginning of your career, and that you may always go on to something else. Keep an open mind and keep looking until you find something that works for you.

Finally, in India, prospective graduates need patience, effort, and preparedness if they want to land their first job. If you follow these guidelines, you'll have a better chance of finding a job that supports your professional aims. Keep learning new things, make connections with people in your field, and never lose sight of your end goal. Have fun!

We at OSK Consultant provide internships in a variety of fields, including Digital Marketing, HR training in NagpurWebsite development training in Nagpur. Our program offers students the opportunity to work on real projects and contribute to the success of our organization. Interns work alongside experienced professionals who offer mentorship, guidance, and support to help them succeed in their role.